Table 1. Laboratory Tests.

From: Type D Adipsia with Severe Hypernatremia: A Unique Presentation of an Extensive Intracranial Germinoma

Value Reference Value
Blood chemistry
Glucose, mg/dL 103.1 70-105
Creatinine, mg/dL 1.26 0.5-0.9
Albumin, mg/dL 4.1 3.4-5
Alanine aminotransferase, UI/L 25.6 13-40
Total Bilirubin, mg/dL 0.42 0.2-1
Lactate dehydrogenase, UI/L 463 180-250
Serum electrolytes
Sodium, mEq/L 172 136-145
Potassium, mEq/L 4.3 3.5-5
Creatinine phosphokinase, UI/L 11,236 24-195
Complete Blood Count
Hemoglobin, g/dL 10.2 12-18
Hematocrit, % 36.1 37-52
Leukocyte, K/μL 9.5 4.5-10
Neutrophils, K/μL 8.3 3.0-6.9
Lymphocyte, K/μL 0.8 0.6-3.4
Platelets, K/μL 144 150-400
Prothrombin time, s 15 11-15
Partial thromboplastin time, s 33 30-40
General urine test
Color Light yellow Light
Density 1.010 1.005-1.030
Nitrites Negative Negative
Glucose Negative Negative
Tumor markers
Carcinoembryonic antigen, ng/mL 0.38 0-2.5
Alpha-fetoprotein, ng/mL 2.93 < 40
Carbohydrate antigen 19.9, UI/mL 5.1 < 30
Hormone test
Total Triiodothyronine T3, ng/dL 121.17 64-181
Thyroxine T4, ng/dL 0.57 0.53-1.34
Thyroid stimulating hormone, μUI/mL 2.38 0.4-4.94
Prolactin, ng/mL 16.59 2.5-17
Adrenocorticotropic hormone, pg/mL 42.82 0-46
Cortisol, μg/dL 8.24 5-25
Growth hormone, ng/mL 0.12 0.05-1
Serum osmolality, mOsm/kg 353.4 280-300
Urine osmolality, mOsm/kg 350 50-1200