Table 1. Demographic and Professional Characteristics of OBGYNs in 1996, 2006, and 2016.

From: Distribution and Retention Trends of Obstetricians and Gynecologists in Japan: A Longitudinal Study

1996 Survey 2006 Survey 2016 Survey
Total Subjects, n 12 402 11 783 13 154
% of all physicians 5.2 4.2 4.1
Sex, n, %
Male 10 481 84.5% 9015 76.5% 8473 64.4%
Female 1921 15.5% 2768 23.5% 4681 35.6%
Age, n, %
≦39 3812 30.7% 3201 27.2% 3771 28.7%
40-54 3620 29.2% 3968 33.7% 4170 31.7%
55-69 3299 26.6% 2654 22.5% 3739 28.4%
≧70 1671 13.5% 1960 16.6% 1474 11.2%
Years of experience, n, %
0-14 4106 33.1% 3336 28.3% 3978 30.2%
15-29 3567 28.8% 4046 34.3% 4144 31.5%
30-44 2820 22.7% 2611 22.2% 3502 26.6%
≧45 1909 15.4% 1790 15.2% 1530 11.6%
Qualified over 30 years old, n, %
<30 8847 71.3% 8621 73.2% 9812 74.6%
≧30 3555 28.7% 3162 26.8% 3342 25.4%
Workplace, n, %
Urban 5855 47.2% 5620 47.7% 6708 51.0%
Intermediate 5621 45.3% 5402 45.8% 5756 43.8%
Rural 926 7.5% 761 6.5% 690 5.2%
Institution, n, %
Clinic 5413 43.6% 5403 45.9% 5342 40.6%
Academic hospital 2035 16.4% 1793 15.2% 2328 17.7%
Other hospital 4954 39.9% 4587 38.9% 5484 41.7%
Table 2. Retention Rate among Obstetricians and Gynecologists.

From: Distribution and Retention Trends of Obstetricians and Gynecologists in Japan: A Longitudinal Study

Period and number observed
1996-1998 1998-2000 2000-2002 2002-2004 2004-2006 2006-2008 2008-2010 2010-2012 2012-2014 2014-2016 2016
Number of baseline
OBGYNs, n (%)
12 402 (100) 12 457 (100) 12 371 (100) 12 329 (100) 12 156 (100) 11 783 (100) 11 960 (100) 12 368 (100) 12 707 (100) 12 888 (100) 13 154
Still working as physician
scientists, n (%)
10 878 (87.7) 10 818 (86.8) 10 684 (86.4) 10 748 (87.2) 10 560 (86.9) 10 329 (87.7) 10 650 (89) 11 027 (89.2) 11 375 (89.5) 11 618 (90.1)
Change in area of practice, n (%) 654 (5.3) 618 (5) 609 (4.9) 617 (5) 584 (4.8) 502 (4.3) 358 (3) 407 (3.3) 387 (3) 372 (2.9)
Entered in area of
practice, n (%)
1579 (12.7) 1553 (12.5) 1645 (13.3) 1408 (11.4) 1223 (10.1) 1631 (13.8) 1718 (14.4) 1680 (13.6) 1513 (11.9) 1536 (11.9)
No report, n (%) 870 (7) 1021 (8.2) 1078 (8.7) 964 (7.8) 1012 (8.3) 952 (8.1) 952 (8) 934 (7.6) 945 (7.4) 898 (7)
Estimated annual retention rate, % 89.1 88.5 88.1 88.7 88.5 89.1 90.2 90.3 90.6 91.1
Retention rate by number
of years since registration
as a physician, %
0-14 90.4 89.3 88.2 89.1 88.6 89.2 89.2 90.4 90.7 91.6
15-29 93.9 93.7 93.5 93.8 93.9 93.7 94.5 94.8 94.8 94.5
30-44 87.1 86.8 87.3 87.9 88.3 90.6 91.4 91.5 91.2 92.6
≧45 81.9 81 80.5 80.5 79.4 79 81.3 79.2 79.9 79.6
Table 3. Logistic Regression Analysis of Factors Associated with the Retention of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.

From: Distribution and Retention Trends of Obstetricians and Gynecologists in Japan: A Longitudinal Study

1996-2006 cohort 2006-2016 cohort
OR CI P-value OR CI P-value
Sex Sex
Male Reference Male Reference
Female 0.93 0.77-1.12 0.44 Female 0.85 0.69-1.05 0.13
Years of experience Years of experience
0-14 Reference 0-14 Reference
15-29 0.77 0.64-0.93 0.01 15-29 1.09 0.85-1.41 0.50
30-44 0.20 0.17-0.25 <0.01 30-44 0.32 0.25-0.41 <0.01
≧45 0.14 0.11-0.17 <0.01 ≧45 0.11 0.08-0.15 <0.01
Qualified over 30 years old Qualified over 30 years old
No Reference No Reference
Yes 0.89 0.78-1.02 0.10 Yes 0.79 0.66-0.96 0.02
Workplace Workplace
Urban Reference Urban Reference
Intermediate 0.91 0.79-1.04 0.16 Intermediate 0.93 0.79-1.10 0.42
Rural 0.65 0.51-0.82 <0.01 Rural 0.59 0.43-0.80 <0.01
Institution Institution
Clinic Reference Clinic Reference
Academic hospital 0.67 0.87-1.31 <0.01 Academic hospital 0.85 0.63-1.15 0.30
Other hospital 0.66 0.84-1.17 <0.01 Other hospital 0.84 0.69-1.01 0.07
Table 4. Types of Institutions and Specialties for Those Who Left Obstetricians and Gynecologists.

From: Distribution and Retention Trends of Obstetricians and Gynecologists in Japan: A Longitudinal Study

n %
1996-2006 cohort
Total 1216 100
Clinic 431 35.4
Academic hospital 23 1.9
Other hospitals 327 26.9
Others 435 35.8
2006-2016 cohort
Total 691 100
Clinic 231 33.4
Academic hospital 19 2.7
Other hospital 197 28.5
Others 244 35.3
n %
1996-2006 cohort
Total 9792 100
OBGYN 8576 87.6
Internal medicine 480 4.9
Psychiatry 34 0.3
Ophthalmology 29 0.3
Pediatrics 23 0.2
Others 650 6.6
2006-2016 cohort
Total 9376 100
OBGYN 8685 92.6
Internal medicine 202 2.2
Psychiatry 25 0.3
General surgery 12 0.1
Pediatrics 11 0.1
Others 441 4.7
Table 5. Board Certification for Obstetricians and Gynecologists in 2016.

From: Distribution and Retention Trends of Obstetricians and Gynecologists in Japan: A Longitudinal Study

n %
Total 13 154 100
No certificate 2314 17.6
OBGYN 10 733 81.6
Cytology 738 5.6
Gynecologic tumor 665 5.1
Perinatal care 475 3.6
Reproductive medicine 449 3.4