Table 1. Clinical Characteristic between ARPI, DTX, and Ra-223 as Second-line Treatment.

From: Anticancer Effect of Second-line Treatment for Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer Following First-line Treatment with Androgen Receptor Pathway Inhibitors

Variables ARPI (n = 41) DTX (n = 37) Ra-223 (n = 10) P-value
Median age, yrs [IQR] 76 [72-83] 74 [66-78] 73 [70-75] 0.015*
Median PSA at diagnosis, ng/ml [IQR] 40.6 [19.3-201.3] 86.5 [22.8-375.0] 56.9 [13.5-166.4] 0.68
Gleason score, n [%]
 ≤8 19 [47.5] 12 [33.3] 2 [20.0] 0.20
 >8 21 [52.5] 24 [66.7] 8 [80.0]
Previous radical local treatment, n [%]
 Absence 26 [63.4] 23 [62.2] 7 [70.0] 0.90
 Presence 15 [36.6] 14 [37.8] 3 [30.0]
Median time to CRPC, mo [IQR] 19.8 [8.8, 45.7] 16.1 [9.5-27.8] 18.2 [12.0-25.4] 0.76
Lymph node metastasis at first-line treatment, n [%]
 Absence 30 [73.2] 25 [67.6] 7 [70.0] 0.86
 Presence 11 [26.8] 12 [32.4] 3 [30.0]
Bone metastasis at first-line treatment, n [%]
 Absence 13 [31.7] 11 [29.7] 2 [20.0] 0.77
 Presence 28 [68.3] 26 [70.3] 8 [80.0]
Visceral metastasis at first-line treatment, n [%]
 Absence 40 [97.6] 34 [91.9] 10 [100.0] 0.37
 Presence 1 [2.4] 3 [8.1] 0 [0.0]
First-line treatment agent, n [%]
 Abiraterone 17 [41.5] 12 [32.4] 3 [30.0] 0.64
 Enzalutamide 24 [58.5] 25 [67.6] 7 [70.0]
Median PSA at first-line treatment, ng/ml [IQR] 16.0 [7.0-49.7] 14.2 [5.1-36.5] 4.2 [3.0-9.7] 0.046*
Median time to treatment failure in first-line treatment, mo [IQR] 7.2 [3.6-14.7] 8.0 [3.1-24.5] 17.3 [8.4-23.7] 0.32
Median of maximum PSA decrease in first-line treatment, % [IQR] −73.5 [−93.4- -41.3] −43.8 [−82.2, 39.7] −85.9 [−89.0, −57.3] 0.030*
Median PSA at second-line treatment, ng/ml [IQR] 24.9 [6.1-77.4] 39.0 [11.7-200.7] 8.9 [1.9-28.7] 0.10
Table 2. Univariate and Multivariate Analysis on Variables Associated with PFS.

From: Anticancer Effect of Second-line Treatment for Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer Following First-line Treatment with Androgen Receptor Pathway Inhibitors

Univariate Multivariate
Variables HR 95% CI P-value HR 95% CI P-value
 <75 years (ref)
 ≧75 years 1.23 0.78-1.95 0.37 1.19 0.72-1.98 0.50
Gleason score
 ≤8 (ref)
 >8 1.31 0.82-2.08 0.26 1.32 0.77-2.25 0.31
Bone metastasis
 Absence (ref)
 Presence 1.35 0.79-2.31 0.28 1.01 0.56-1.81 0.99
Visceral metastasis
 Absence (ref)
 Presence 0.63 0.20-2.01 0.43 0.56 0.16-1.99 0.37
Time to CRPC
 ≧12 months (ref)
 <12 months 0.89 0.55-1.43 0.62 0.66 0.38-1.14 0.14
First-line treatment agent
 Abiraterone (ref)
 Enzalutamide 0.96 0.59-1.54 0.85 1.29 0.75-2.21 0.36
Maximum PSA decrease during first-line treatment
 ≤50 % (ref)
 >50 % 0.75 0.47-1.20 0.23 0.63 0.36-1.11 0.11
PSA at second-line treatment
 <30 ng/ml (ref)
 ≧30 ng/ml 1.21 0.76-1.91 0.42 1.43 0.83-2.45 0.19
Second-line treatment
 ARPI (ref)
 DTX 0.60 0.37-0.99 0.046* 0.44 0.25-0.79 0.0061*
 Ra-223 1.55 0.76-3.19 0.23 1.39 0.60-3.21 0.44