Table 1. Experience from Japan that Can Be Applied to Alleviate the Problems in Developing Countries.

From: Need for Improvements in Medical Device Management in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Applying Learnings from Japan’s Experience

Problems in developing countries Solutions in developed countries (Japan’s experience) Barriers Future directions
Insufficiently trained human resources in device management
  • Standardized training curriculum
  • Licensing system for biomedical engineers
  • Long-term problem of human resource insufficiency
  • Insufficient training courses for biomedical engineering
  • Training of biomedical engineers
  • Training of non-engineering personnel in device use and management
No personnel or department designated for device management Compulsory designation of personnel and department in charge of device management in medical institutions No regulations Mandate for the establishment of specialized departments and personnel in each facility, and definition of their roles
Arduous tasks in registration and recordkeeping Use of a computerized management system High cost of such systems that require a large amount of workload for data input Inexpensive and user-friendly systems with automated data entry functions