Table 1. MRI Protocol at the First (Baseline) Survey.

From: Tohoku Medical Megabank Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study: Rationale, Design, and Background

Sequence (Data type) Measured property and commentary Sequence parameters
Representative images (number of participants) Acquisition & slice TR (ms) TE (ms) Inversion time (ms) SENSE:
b-value (s/mm2) FOV (mm) Matrix Slice thickness (mm) FA (degrees) Acquisition time (s)
T1-weighted imaging (T1WI) (29) Brain structures obtained by magnetization prepared-rapid gradient echo (MP-RAGE) 12,164 3D
11 5.2 1068.3 2
N/A 256 368 × 368 0.7 8 319
Magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) (30) Brain vascular structure 12,050 3D
25 3.5 0 1(FH)
N/A 200 384 × 249 1.1 18 247
Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) (31) Interaction or connection of white matter fascicles in the brain 10,443 2D
7173 83 0 2.5
224 112 × 112 2 90 318
Pseudo-continuous arterial spin-labeling (pCASL)(32) Cerebral blood flow1 10,461 2D
4023 11 0 2.1
N/A 240 64 × 64 7/1 90 247
Fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) (33) White matter lesions (collected in those aged >50 years only) 2,428 3D
4800 276 1650 3
N/A 256 212 × 212 1.2 90 264
Table 2. MRI Protocol in the Second (First Follow-Up) Survey.

From: Tohoku Medical Megabank Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study: Rationale, Design, and Background

Sequence (Data type) Measured property and commentary Sequence parameters
Acquisition & slice TR (ms) TE (ms) Inversion time (ms) SENSE:
b-value (s/mm2) FOV (mm) Matrix Slice thickness (mm) FA (degrees) Acquisition time (s)
T1-weighted imaging (T1WI) (29) Brain structures obtained by magnetization prepared-rapid gradient echo (MP-RAGE) 3D
11 5.2 1068.3 2
N/A 256 368 × 368 0.7 8 319
Magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) (30) Brain vascular structure 3D
25 3.5 0 1(FH)
N/A 200 384 × 249 1.1 18 247
Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) (31) Interaction or connection of white matter fascicles in the brain 2D
7173 83 0 2.5
800 224 112 × 112 2 90 318
Pseudo-continuous arterial spin-labeling (pCASL) (32) Cerebral blood flow1, 2D
4148 11 0 2.1
N/A 240 64 × 64 7/1 90 247
Fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) (33) White matter lesions 3D
4800 276 1650 3
N/A 256 212 × 212 1.2 90 264
Neurite orientation dispersion and density imaging (NODDI) (35) Microstructure of neurites (i.e., axons and dendrites) 2D
7278 111 N/A 3
711 (30)2
2855 (60)2
230 112 × 109 2.5 90 944
Resting state-functional-MR imaging (Rs-fMRI): Protocol 1 (36) Functional connectivity 2D
3000 30 N/A 3
N/A 224 76 × 73 3 90 372
Rs-fMRI: Protocol 2 (37) Functional connectivity 2D
2500 30 N/A N/A
N/A 212 64 × 63 3.2 80 612
T2-weighted imaging White matter lesions 2D
4134 100 N/A N/A
N/A 230 × 221 384 × 269 5/1 90 157
T2*-weighted imaging (38) Cerebral microbleeds 2D
664 18 N/A N/A
N/A 230 × 217 304 × 229 5/1 18 78
Susceptibility-weighted imaging (SWI) (38) Cerebral microbleeds 3D
31 7.2 N/A (FH) 1.5
N/A 230 × 189 384 × 316 2 17 181
Table 3. Psychological and Cognitive Instruments in the First (Baseline) Survey.

From: Tohoku Medical Megabank Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study: Rationale, Design, and Background

Data acquisition method Instrument name* Measured phenomena Number of items/subscales, if applicable Number of participants
Questionnaire TAC24 (39) (Tri-axial Coping Scale) This scale measures coping, defined as “an ever-changing cognitive-behavioral effort made to meet specific external and internal demands that are burdensome or have been rated as exceeding all personal resources,” by assessing participants’ thoughts, behaviors, and strategies for dealing with mentally difficult situations. 24 items/8 subscales 12,156
DASS-15 (40) (Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scales) A scale that measures symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress over the past week. 15 items/3 subscales 12,156
POMS (41) (Profile of Mood States) This scale measures six different dimensions of mood swings (tension or anxiety, anger or hostility, vigor or activity, fatigue or inertia, depression or dejection, and confusion or bewilderment) over a period. 30 items/6 subscales 12,144
IES-R-J (42), (43) (Impact of Event Scale-Revised, Japanese) The IES-R is a self-report measure that assesses subjective distress caused by traumatic events. The items directly correspond to 14 of the 17 symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition (DSM-IV). The IES-R contains seven additional items related to the hyperarousal symptoms of PTSD. Respondents are asked to identify a specific stressful life event (i.e., the Great East Japan Earthquake) and then indicate how much they were distressed or bothered by the difficulty listed during the past 7 days. 22 items/3 subscales 12,153
Interview MMSE-J (56), (57) (Mini-Mental State Examination, Japanese version) An assessment of cognitive function that evaluates attention and orientation, memory, registration, recall, calculation, language, and ability to draw a complex polygon. 11 items 3,610
Table 4. Representative Cohort Studies with Brain MRI Data.

From: Tohoku Medical Megabank Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study: Rationale, Design, and Background

Study MRI Data Non-MRI Data
Main purpose of brain MRI acquisition MRI acquisition context (Approximate) number scanned Location/sites Frequency/interval/maximum duration Age range (years) Ethnic diversity Lifestyle/health history, PE, lab tests Genetics Other Brain imaging measures and relevant nonbrain imaging measures Psychological profiling Cognitive profiling Linked medical records
TMM Brain MRI Study (this study) To determine relations to dementia and other neuropsychological disorders; to support genetic and biomarker research Addon study 12,000 Japan (one prefecture1, one center) Longitudinal, Almost 5-year intervals 20-85 >99% Japanese Yes2 Array (all); WGS (underway) Retinal imaging, blood samples Yes Yes (older adults only) No
UK Biobank Imaging Study (34), (67), (71), and (72) To determine relations with dementia
And other neuropsychological and psychiatric disorders; to support genetic and biomarker research
Substudy 100,000 UK (entire country) Longitudinal, variable intervals for subsets 40-69 High Yes3 All Retinal imaging, blood samples Yes, limited Yes (screening) Yes
North American Alzheimer’s Diseases Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) (64) To understand the progression of Alzheimer’s disease Standalone study 2424 Most US states and Canada (~60 centers) Longitudinal, 3-12-month intervals (up to 36 months) 50+ (almost all ≥55) Caucasian (>90%); Hispanic, Black Yes (limited) WGS (subset) Amyloids and tau PET; CSF (subset, blood samples) No Yes (extensive AD-related) No
Japanese ADNI (J-ADNI) (68) To understand the progression of Alzheimer’s disease Standalone study 537 Japan (approx. 8 centers) Longitudinal, 6-12-month intervals (up to 36 months) 60-84 >99% Japanese Yes (limited) Yes Amyloids and tau PET; CSF (subset, blood samples) No Yes (extensive AD-related) No
Enhancing Neuroimaging Genetics through To assess age-related changes and the relationship to psychiatric disorders Primary measures for most working groups >100,0004 45 countries, many centers Mixed cross-sectional/longitudinal, variable interval 0-97 Very high Yes (extensive, content differs by project focus) Yes EEG, MEG, MRS Variable: extensive for some projects Limited No
Meta-analysis (ENIGMA) Consortium (69), and (70)