Table 1. Approved Somatostatin Analogs in Japan.

From: Managing Seroma Formation Post Breast Surgery through Somatostatin Analogs

Drug Administration Mechanism of action Indications per label
Octreotide Subcutaneous injection High affinity for SSTR2 and inhibits the proliferation of the cells expressing SSTR2 gene by activating the tyrosine phosphatase pathway Gastrointestinal hormone-producing tumors (VIP-producing tumors, carcinoid tumors with carcinoid syndrome, gastrin-producing tumors)

Acromegaly and pituitary gigantism

Improvement of gastrointestinal symptoms associated with gastrointestinal obstruction in palliative care for patients with advanced or recurrent cancer

Hypoglycemia associated with congenital hyperinsulinemia
Octreotide LAR Intramuscular injection Gastrointestinal hormone-producing tumors (VIP-producing tumors, carcinoid tumors with carcinoid syndrome, gastrin-producing tumors)

Acromegaly and pituitary gigantism

Hypoglycemia associated with congenital hyperinsulinemia
Lanreotide Subcutaneous injection A cyclic octapeptide that was developed with the intent to achieve a longer acting analog Acromegaly and pituitary gigantism

hormone-producing pituitary tumor
Pasireotide LAR Intramuscular injection High affinity to SSTR1, SSTR3, and SSTR5 and with the same affinity to SST2 with octreotide Cushing Disease