Table 1. Facility Characteristics by Type.

From: Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Health Check-ups in 2021 and 2022: A Nationwide Follow-up Survey of Healthcare Facilities in Japan Society of Ningen Dock

Total (n = 838) Dedicated to check-ups/Annexed to clinics (n = 320) Annexed to hospitals (n = 518) P value
Areaa Kanto 301 (35.9) 132 (41.3) 169 (32.6) 0.035
Hokkaido 21 (2.5) 11 (3.4) 10 (1.9)
Tohoku 44 (5.3) 14 (4.4) 30 (5.8)
Chubu 157 (18.7) 45 (14.1) 112 (21.6)
Kansai 148 (17.7) 63 (19.7) 85 (16.4)
Chugoku 60 (7.2) 22 (6.9) 38 (7.3)
Shikoku 23 (2.7) 7 (2.2) 16 (3.1)
Kyushu 73 (8.7) 22 (6.9) 51 (9.8)
Okinawa 11 (1.3) 4 (1.3) 7 (1.4)
Location of facilities Ordinance-designated cities/special wards in Tokyo 310 (37.0) 172 (53.8) 138 (26.6) <0.001
Public or private institutions Public 190 (22.7) 17 (5.3) 173 (33.4) <0.001
Number of employees 1-10 140 (16.7) 39 (12.2) 101 (19.5) <0.001
11-20 237 (28.3) 52 (16.3) 185 (35.7)
21-30 163 (19.5) 54 (16.9) 109 (21.0)
31-40 86 (10.3) 36 (11.3) 50 (9.7)
41-50 66 (7.9) 38 (11.9) 28 (5.4)
>50 146 (17.4) 101 (31.6) 45 (8.7)
Accepting admission of patients with COVID-19 Yes 419 (50.0) 11 (3.4) 408 (78.8) <0.001
Outpatient fever clinic Yes 518 (61.8) 64 (20.0) 454 (87.6) <0.001
Providing COVID-19 vaccination services Yes 650 (77.6) 183 (57.2) 467 (90.2) <0.001
COVID-19 PCR center Yes 149 (17.8) 18 (5.6) 131 (25.3) <0.001
Providing help to other departments within the facility Yes 482 (57.5) 139 (43.4) 343 (66.2) <0.001
Providing help to other departments for COVID-19-related care Yes 359 (42.8) 90 (28.1) 269 (51.9) <0.001
Negative financial impact in 2020 Yes 675 (80.5) 253 (79.1) 422 (81.5) 0.346
Negative financial impact in 2021 Yes 612 (73.0) 224 (70.0) 388 (74.9) 0.098
Negative financial impact in 2022 Yes 517 (61.7) 176 (55.0) 341 (65.8) 0.001
Number of facilitiesb (n = 492) (n = 185) (n = 307)
Total number of check-ups in 2019 Median (IQR) 14007 (6600, 32037) 28518 (14645, 74869) 9833 (5113, 18466) <0.001
<10000 188 (38.2) 33 (17.8) 155 (50.5) <0.001
10000-19999 115 (23.4) 30 (16.2) 85 (27.7)
20000-39999 91 (18.5) 53 (28.6) 38 (12.4)
≥40000 98 (19.9) 69 (37.3) 29 (9.4)
Percentage of mandatory check-upsc in 2019 Median (IQR) 34.0 (18.0, 54.6) 31.6 (15.4, 60.0) 34.7 (19.0, 50.5) 0.622
<34% 246 (50.0) 96 (51.9) 150 (48.9) 0.577
≥34% 246 (50.0) 89 (48.1) 157 (51.1)
Percent change in the number of check-ups in 2022 compared with 2019 Median (IQR) −1.5 (−7.4, 6.0) 0.1 (−5.8, 9.1) −2.5 (−8.9, 4.7) 0.001
Table 2. Annual Number of Check-Ups between 2020 and 2022 Compared with 2019 for Each Facility.

From: Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Health Check-ups in 2021 and 2022: A Nationwide Follow-up Survey of Healthcare Facilities in Japan Society of Ningen Dock

Mandatorya 2020 median (IQR) P valueb 2021 median (IQR) P valueb 2022 median (IQR) P valueb Number of facilitiesc
All check-ups - −9.0 (−15.2, −4.0) <0.001 −0.7 (−6.4, +4.5) 0.087 −1.5 (−7.4, +6.0) 0.022 492
Check-ups based on Industrial Safety and Health Act Yes −4.7 (−11.3, +1.5) <0.001 +2.3 (−5.8, +10.8) <0.001 +3.5 (−6.4, +16.1) <0.001 441
Check-ups for prevention of lifestyle-related diseases Yes −5.3 (−13.1, +0.8) <0.001 +4.9 (−2.3, +11.9) <0.001 +5.3 (−3.6, +15.2) <0.001 442
Comprehensive check-ups (Ningen Dock)d Yes/No −9.3 (−15.6, −3.6) <0.001 −0.2 (−6.5, +6.3) >0.99 −0.7 (−7.1, +9.0) >0.99 479
Specific Health Check-ups alonee No −14.5 (−26.3, −4.5) <0.001 −4.6 (−16.0, +9.2) <0.001 −4.1 (−18.0, +12.6) 0.015 412
Cancer screenings by local governments No −13.1 (−24.3, −1.0) <0.001 −3.1 (−16.0, +12.6) 0.009 −4.1 (−20.3, +20.3) 0.019 341
Other in-facility check-upsf No −10.9 (−22.8, +0.8) <0.001 −3.6 (−18.2, +11.0) 0.002 −6.4 (−19.5, +12.2) <0.001 455
Check-ups using mobile medical vehicles Yes/No −11.3 (−19.6, −5.2) <0.001 −5.6 (−14.5, +0.3) <0.001 −8.2 (−18.1, −1.1) <0.001 156
Table 3. The Proportion of Examinees Requiring Follow-Up Visits between 2019 and 2021.

From: Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Health Check-ups in 2021 and 2022: A Nationwide Follow-up Survey of Healthcare Facilities in Japan Society of Ningen Dock

Rate % in 2019, median (IQR) Rate % in 2020, median (IQR) Difference % (2020−2019), median (IQR) P valuea Rate % in 2021, median (IQR) Difference % (2021−2019), median (IQR) P valuea Number of facilities
Gastric cancer (contrast radiography) 4.1 (2.1, 7.3) 3.4 (1.7, 6.4) −0.34 (−1.34, 0.18) <0.001 3.1 (1.7, 5.9) −0.60 (−1.92, 0.08) <0.001 356
Gastric cancer (endoscopy) 3.7 (1.8, 6.6) 3.5 (1.6, 6.0) −0.23 (−0.95, 0.20) <0.001 3.5 (1.8, 6.0) −0.18 (−1.17, 0.56) 0.003 342
Colorectal cancer 5.5 (4.7, 6.4) 5.6 (4.8, 6.5) +0.12 (−0.31, 0.54) <0.001 5.4 (4.5, 6.1) −0.13 (−0.54, 0.25) <0.001 365
Lung cancer 1.5 (0.9, 2.4) 1.4 (0.8, 2.3) −0.09 (−0.40, 0.15) <0.001 1.3 (0.7, 2.2) −0.14 (−0.52, 0.14) <0.001 365
Breast cancer (mammography) 5.1 (3.1, 7.6) 5.0 (3.0, 7.4) −0.11 (−1.24, 0.69) 0.238 4.8 (3.0, 7.0) −0.29 (−1.61, 0.88) 0.028 362
Breast cancer (ultrasound) 3.1 (1.9, 5.2) 3.0 (1.7, 4.7) −0.17 (−1.04, 0.59) 0.016 2.7 (1.6, 4.5) −0.22 (−1.39, 0.57) <0.001 309
Cervical cancer 1.9 (1.0, 3.4) 1.9 (1.1, 3.4) +0.03 (−0.47, 0.50) >0.99 2.0 (1.1, 3.6) +0.02 (−0.62, 0.74) >0.99 361
Hypertension 1.7 (0.7, 2.8) 1.9 (0.7, 3.1) +0.10 (−0.04, 0.49) <0.001 1.8 (0.7, 2.9) +0.07 (−0.15, 0.39) <0.001 353
Diabetes 1.5 (0.8, 2.8) 1.6 (0.8, 2.8) 0.00 (−0.15, 0.17) 0.226 1.4 (0.8, 2.6) −0.02 (−0.31, 0.18) 0.134 354
Dyslipidemia 4.5 (2.3, 6.6) 4.5 (2.5, 7.1) +0.04 (−0.29, 0.48) 0.044 4.6 (2.6, 6.9) 0.00 (−0.46, 0.65) 0.477 352
Table 4. Adherence to Follow-Up Visits between 2019 and 2021.

From: Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Health Check-ups in 2021 and 2022: A Nationwide Follow-up Survey of Healthcare Facilities in Japan Society of Ningen Dock

Rate % in 2019, median (IQR) Rate % in 2020, median (IQR) Difference % (2020−2019), median (IQR) P valuea Rate % in 2021, median (IQR) Difference % (2021−2019), median (IQR) P valuea Number of facilities
Gastric cancer (contrast radiography) 53.2 (39.5, 65.5) 54.9 (40.3, 66.7) −0.2 (−5.6, 4.7) 0.669 56.5 (40.0, 68.5) +0.7 (−5.8, 9.9) 0.248 300
Gastric cancer (endoscopy) 84.9 (63.8, 97.8) 84.6 (64.2, 98.0) 0.0 (−4.2, 2.9) 0.906 86.8 (64.7, 98.5) 0.0 (−4.1, 3.8) 0.939 295
Colorectal cancer 51.8 (39.9, 63.6) 52.8 (41.3, 62.8) +0.2 (−4, 4.1) 0.648 53.2 (41.7, 64.6) 0.0 (−4.3, 5.0) 0.648 316
Lung cancer 66.3 (49.2, 80.4) 66.7 (51.2, 79.3) +1.0 (−4.7, 6.6) 0.068 69.1 (53.5, 80.0) +1.3 (−5.0, 8.0) 0.032 321
Breast cancer (mammography) 80.5 (60.1, 89.5) 81.3 (63.6, 89.0) 0.0 (−4.9, 6.2) 0.753 81.1 (64.5, 89.5) 0.0 (−6.1, 6.7) >0.99 313
Breast cancer (ultrasound) 76.1 (55.7, 89.4) 79.7 (60.0, 90.7) +0.2 (−5.6, 9.3) 0.096 80.2 (58.9, 91.3) +1.4 (−4.8, 11.4) 0.014 248
Cervical cancer 71.6 (53.0, 83.7) 75.0 (56.9, 86.4) +1.3 (−4.8, 9.9) 0.005 76.9 (58.1, 89.1) +1.8 (−3.7, 11.7) <0.001 299
Hypertension 30.5 (14.1, 43.9) 34.5 (17.2, 48.7) +0.8 (−1.6, 7.5) <0.001 37.1 (19.7, 52.4) +1.8 (−2.3, 10.0) <0.001 258
Diabetes 37.2 (19.2, 54.5) 39.6 (20.2, 56.1) +1.1 (−2.5, 7.3) 0.002 40.3 (20.5, 59.9) +1.7 (−1.9, 8.8) <0.001 274
Dyslipidemia 29.6 (15.7, 43.5) 31.1 (15.7, 43.5) +0.1 (−3.5, 3.1) 0.566 31.7 (16.7, 45.8) +1.2 (−2.7, 6.5) 0.013 271
Table 5. Multivariate Logistic Regression Model for the Negative Financial Impact in 2022.

From: Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Health Check-ups in 2021 and 2022: A Nationwide Follow-up Survey of Healthcare Facilities in Japan Society of Ningen Dock

Univariate Multivariate Model 1 a Multivariate Model 2 b
Odds ratio (95% CI) P value Odds ratio (95% CI) P value Odds ratio (95% CI) P value
(Intercept) - 0.87 (0.47, 1.59) 0.645 1.19 (0.43, 3.28) 0.743
Type of facility Dedicated to healthcare
check-ups/annexed to
Ref Ref Ref
Annexed to hospitals 1.66 (1.23, 2.24) <0.001 3.57 (2.03, 6.27) <0.001 4.02 (1.77, 9.13) <0.001
Area Kanto Ref Ref Ref
Hokkaido 0.51 (0.21, 1.28) 0.151 0.47 (0.18, 1.22) 0.122 0.37 (0.09, 1.62) 0.189
Tohoku 1.77 (0.81, 3.86) 0.153 1.89 (0.85, 4.23) 0.120 1.62 (0.53, 4.98) 0.398
Chubu 1.31 (0.85, 2.03) 0.219 1.25 (0.79, 1.99) 0.334 1.41 (0.69, 2.86) 0.343
Kansai 0.72 (0.47, 1.09) 0.117 0.77 (0.50, 1.19) 0.235 0.75 (0.40, 1.39) 0.358
Chugoku 1.08 (0.59, 1.97) 0.800 1.09 (0.59, 2.04) 0.778 1.07 (0.45, 2.51) 0.881
Shikoku 0.42 (0.17, 1.05) 0.063 0.44 (0.17, 1.16) 0.098 0.61 (0.17, 2.12) 0.434
Kyushu 0.85 (0.49, 1.46) 0.555 0.88 (0.50, 1.56) 0.671 0.88 (0.37, 2.10) 0.774
Okinawa 2.31 (0.49, 10.9) 0.290 2.59 (0.52, 12.97) 0.247 4.27 (0.47, 38.58) 0.196
Location of facilities Ordinance-designated
cities or special wards in
Tokyo vs. others
1.29 (0.95, 1.76) 0.102 1.52 (1.07, 2.15) 0.020 1.40 (0.85, 2.32) 0.187
Public or private Public 1.56 (1.08, 2.26) 0.019 1.42 (0.93, 2.17) 0.105 1.02 (0.56, 1.87) 0.944
Number of employees 1-10 Ref Ref Ref
11-50 1.91 (1.29, 2.83) 0.001 1.73 (1.13, 2.64) 0.011 2.20 (1.03, 4.67) 0.041
>50 2.01 (1.22, 3.30) 0.006 2.05 (1.17, 3.61) 0.012 2.65 (0.99, 7.09) 0.053
Accepting admission of patients with COVID-19 Yes vs. no 1.19 (0.89, 1.60) 0.238 0.59 (0.35, 0.98) 0.042 0.86 (0.42, 1.76) 0.671
Outpatient fever clinic Yes vs. no 1.07 (0.79, 1.45) 0.646 0.88 (0.55, 1.41) 0.591 0.71 (0.35, 1.41) 0.327
Providing COVID-19 vaccination services Yes vs. no 0.76 (0.53, 1.10) 0.142 0.65 (0.42, 1.00) 0.051 0.51 (0.27, 0.96) 0.037
COVID-19 PCR center Yes vs. no 0.80 (0.55, 1.17) 0.249 0.75 (0.50, 1.13) 0.169 1.10 (0.58, 2.06) 0.777
Providing help to other departments Yes vs. no 1.22 (0.91, 1.64) 0.192 1.13 (0.81, 1.57) 0.474 1.07 (0.67, 1.73) 0.767
Total number of check-ups in 2019 <10000 Ref Ref
10000-19999 1.31 (0.78, 2.19) 0.310 0.94 (0.50, 1.75) 0.839
20000-39999 1.42 (0.80, 2.54) 0.233 1.36 (0.65, 2.85) 0.418
≥40000 1.50 (0.84, 2.67) 0.170 1.25 (0.52, 3.02) 0.612
Proportion of mandatory check-upsc in 2019 <34% Ref Ref
≥34% 0.58 (0.38, 0.89) 0.013 0.55 (0.34, 0.90) 0.016