Table 1. Our Proposal of an “Author Checklist” that Enables Authors to Confirm Whether a Manuscript for Submission Adheres to the Fundamentals of Academic Writing.

From: A Checklist Confirming Whether a Manuscript for Submission Adheres to the Fundamentals of Academic Writing: A Proposal

Please check the following items:
(1) The title is informative (3). The title involves the major findings or at least study targets or methods, or both. The title does not include the words “study on,” “research into,” or “analysis of,”
(2) The Introduction consists of three sections: (i) known, (ii) unknown, and (iii) problem and (i) what is already known, (ii) what remains unknown, and (iii) what has been attempted to clarify here. If the subject is narrow, (ii) and (iii) can be combined.
(3) The end of the Introduction consists of a summary of (iii); what is the problem or question to be clarified or answered.
(4) The first paragraph of the Discussion consists of a short direct answer to the Introduction (iii), i.e., “what has been clarified or answered.”
(5) Study limitations appear in the second paragraph from the last paragraph of the Discussion.
(6) The last paragraph of the Discussion involves the study’s significance.
Authors are recommended to adhere to this list as much as possible. Editors of the journal understand that some authors have their own writing style. Nonadherence to this checklist does not become a reason for rejection.