Figure 1. RET rearrangement is detected in papillary thyroid cancer (PTC) and non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). RET/PTC1 and RET/PTC3 were reported to be detected in 5%–35% of adult and 60%–70% of childhood PTCs after the Chernobyl reactor accident, respectively. KIF5B-RET was identified mainly in NSCLC. SP, signal peptide; CLD, cadherin-like domain; CRD, cysteine-rich domain; TM, transmembrane domain; TK, tyrosine kinase domain.

From: Roles of the RET Proto-oncogene in Cancer and Development

Figure 2. RET missense mutations were identified in multiple endocrine neoplasia 2A (MEN2A) and 2B (MEN2B) and familial medullary thyroid carcinoma (FMTC).

From: Roles of the RET Proto-oncogene in Cancer and Development

Figure 3. RET missense mutations identified in Hirschsprung’s disease.

From: Roles of the RET Proto-oncogene in Cancer and Development