Table 1. Syphilis and App Users in a Total Number of 47 Prefectures, Japan.

From: Association between Syphilis Incidence and Dating App Use in Japan

Total number of 47 prefectures
Both sexes Male Female
General population (×100,000) 1,267 617 651
Syphilis 5,826 3,931 1,895
HIV infection 1,395 1,319 76
CRE infection 1,660 1,024 636
ISP infection 3,205 1,887 1,318
App 1 users 443,073 258,299 284,774
App 2 users 178,963 102,788 76,175
App 3 users 126,017 72,741 53,276
Table 2. Syphilis, App Users, and Other Explanatory Variables at the Prefectural Level, Japan.

From: Association between Syphilis Incidence and Dating App Use in Japan

Median (range)
Both sexes Male Female
Prefectural population (×100,000) 16.3 (5.7–137.2) 7.6 (2.7–67.6) 8.6 (3.0–69.7)
Syphilis incidence 2.34 (0.72–12.90) 3.52 (1.21–18.03) 1.52 (0.19–8.03)
HIV infection incidence 0.64 (0–3.32) 1.24 (0–6.42) 0 (0–0.48)
CRE infection incidence 1.13 (0.27–3.08) 1.32 (0.35–4.25) 0.91 (0.10–3.71)
ISP infection incidence 2.42 (0.78–7.28) 2.93 (0.95–8.32) 1.71 (0–6.27)
App 1 penetration rate 249 (162–744) 230 (151–697) 134 (76–473)
App 2 penetration rate 99 (60–287) 98 (64–338) 59(28–173)
App 3 penetration rate 54 (29–243) 57 (36–209) 38 (20–155)
Foreign national residents per 100,000 population 1,155 (383–3,797)
International overnight guests per 100,000 population 18,678 (1,046–166,018)
Detachment-type sex trade shops per 100,000 population 15.1 (5.9–31.3)
Physician density per 100,000 population 242.4 (160.1–315.9)
Smartphone penetration rate 0.56 (0.46–0.69)
Table 3. Spearman’s Rank Correlation Analyses between Syphilis Incidence and App Penetration Rates (47 Prefectures).

From: Association between Syphilis Incidence and Dating App Use in Japan

(Both sexes) Syphilis HIV CRE IPS
Population 0.50* 0.33* 0.02 0.03
App 1 penetration rate 0.59* 0.41* 0.02 0.29
App 2 penetration rate 0.57* 0.34* 0.02 0.25
App 3 penetration rate 0.56* 0.43* 0.02 0.27
Foreign national residents per prefectural population 0.46* 0.33* 0.01 0.23
International overnight guests per prefectural population 0.19 0.41* 0.00 0.16
Detachment-type sex trade shop per prefectural population 0.24 0.38* 0.19 0.38*
Physician density 0.10 0.27 0.16 0.13
Smartphone penetration rate 0.54* 0.48* 0.14 0.15
(Male) Syphilis HIV CRE IPS
Population 0.44* 0.34* 0.13 0.01
App 1 penetration rate 0.43* 0.30* 0.05 0.30*
App 2 penetration rate 0.40* 0.24 0.06 0.30*
App 3 penetration rate 0.43* 0.36* 0.02 0.26
(Female) Syphilis HIV CRE ISP
Population 0.52* 0.33* -0.14 -0.02
App 1 penetration rate 0.61* 0.44* -0.20 0.11
App 2 penetration rate 0.63* 0.41* -0.15 0.03
App 3 penetration rate 0.59* 0.47* -0.19 0.12
Table 4. Spearman’s Rank Correlation Analyses between Syphilis Incidence and App Penetration Rates (36 Prefectures, Removing Prefectures Containing Cities with 1 Million or Higher Population).

From: Association between Syphilis Incidence and Dating App Use in Japan

(Both sexes) Syphilis HIV CRE IPS
Population 0.27 0.17 -0.13 -0.12
App 1 penetration rate 0.39* 0.24 -0.21 0.23
App 2 penetration rate 0.37 0.13 -0.22 0.16
App 3 penetration rate 0.37 0.31 -0.25 0.23
Foreign national residents per prefectural population 0.31 0.20 -0.25 0.20
International overnight guests per prefectural population 0.12 0.32 -0.22 0.07
Detachment-type sex trade shop per prefectural population 0.29 0.43* -0.33 -0.46*
Physician density 0.01 0.20 -0.01 0.03
Smartphone penetration rate 0.47* 0.40* -0.40* 0.10
(Male) Syphilis HIV CRE IPS
Population 0.25 0.19 0.03 -0.15
App 1 penetration rate 0.22 0.11 -0.11 0.27
App 2 penetration rate 0.13 0.00 -0.13 0.23
App 3 penetration rate 0.23 0.22 -0.16 0.21
(Female) Syphilis HIV CRE ISP
Population 0.20 0.16 -0.31 -0.16
App 1 penetration rate 0.40* 0.28 -0.45* -0.01
App 2 penetration rate 0.45* 0.23 -0.38* -0.13
App 3 penetration rate 0.37 0.36 -0.42* 0.05
Table 5. The Optimized Models for Syphilis Incidence by Multiple Linear Regression Analyses.

From: Association between Syphilis Incidence and Dating App Use in Japan

App 1
Standard partial regression coefficient Standard error T value P value
(Intercept) 0.94 0.063 15.0 0
App 1 penetration rate 0.39 0.064 6.0 < 0.001
Detachment-type sex trade shops per prefectural population 0.18 0.064 2.8 0.008
Adjusted R-squared value = 0.49, F-value = 22.97, P-value < 0.001
App 2
Variables Standard partial regression coefficient Standard error T value P value
(Intercept) 0.94 0.065 14.5 0
App 2 penetration rate 0.37 0.066 5.6 < 0.001
Detachment-type sex trade shops per prefectural population 0.19 0.066 2.8 0.007
Adjusted R-squared value = 0.48, F-value = 20.5, P-value < 0.001
App 3
Variables Standard partial regression coefficient Standard error T value P Value
(Intercept) 0.94 0.065 14.5 0
App 3 penetration rate 0.37 0.066 5.6 < 0.001
Detachment-type sex trade shops per prefectural population 0.18 0.068 2.6 0.013
Physician density 0.10 0.068 1.4 0.17