Table 1. The Japan Otological Society Diagnostic Criteria for PET.

From: Management of Patulous Eustachian Tube

1. There are subjective symptoms
 One or more of the following symptoms included: voice or breath autophony, and aural fullness
2. Tubal obstruction procedures (A or B) clearly improves symptoms
 A. Posture change to the supine / lordotic positon
 B. Pharyngeal orifice obstruction procedure (swab, gel, etc.)
3. There is at least one of the following objective findings of patent E-tube:
 A. Respiratory fluctuation of the tympanic membrane
 B. Variations of external auditory canal pressure synchronized with nasopharyngeal pressure
 C. The sonotubometry shows (1) the probe tone sound pressure level is less than 100 dB or (2) an open plateau pattern.
Definite Patulous Eustachian tube (PET): 1 + 2 + 3
Possible Patulous Eustachian tube (PET) : 1+ (2 or 3)
Table 2. Patulous Eustachian Tube Handicap Inventory-10 (PHI-10). 1) No Handicap (0–8). 2) Mild Handicap (10–16). 3) Moderate Handicap (18–24). 4) Severe Handicap (26–40).

From: Management of Patulous Eustachian Tube

No Question yes: 4 sometimes: 2 no: 0
1 Because of your symptom is it difficult for you to concentrate?
2 Does the loudness of your symptom make it difficult for you to hear people?
3 Does your symptom make you angry?
4 Do you fell as though you cannot escape your symptom?
5 Does your symptom interfere with your ability to enjoy social activities?
6 Because of your symptom do you feel frustrated?
7 Does your symptom interfere with your job or household responsibilities?
8 Do you feel that your symptom has placed stress on your relationships with members of your family and friends?
9 Do you find it difficult to focus your attention away from your symptom and on to other things?
10 Does your symptom make you feel anxious?